Ten Easy Mocktails to Order

I’m going to be honest: I enjoy having a drink when I’m out and about. I like pairing wine with food, I have fun grabbing a beer with friends, and I’m always up for trying a new cocktail. However, lately I’ve noticed I also really enjoy hitting reset and taking a break from alcohol. As a result, my appreciation of mocktails has really grown.

Simply put, mocktails are cocktail style beverages minus the alcohol. I like them because they are a great alternative for non-drinkers who still want to have a fun and fancy beverage. After all, as I mentioned above, sometimes people don’t want to have alcoholic beverages and it’s nice for those who are sober, pregnant, the designated driver, or simply just not wanting to drink to have options.

Ten Easy Mocktails to Order

While options for NA drinks have definitely grown (NA beer is really having a moment), it is always somewhat surprising to me how often I don’t see mocktails on menus when I go out. While I wouldn’t expect to see bars stocked with NA spirits, it still drives me a little crazy to not have options. That’s why I am sharing a round-up of easy and fun mocktails you can order when going out for those times when you don’t see anything listed.

Virgin Bloody Mary

Virgin Bloody Mary

I love a Bloody Mary at brunch, especially if it’s a ridiculous one with bacon and olives and pickles thrown in - I honestly order it for the garnish. Luckily, a Virgin Bloody Mary is super easy to order, as the only difference is the alcohol. Simply order it without.

Pro Tip: If you want to still have a bit of the bitter vodka taste in your drink, you can request a dash of olive or pickle juice for a similar effect. You won’t be able to tell a huge difference and you’ll be able to walk out of the restaurant once you’ve finished brunch.

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temples are quite nostalgic for me, as this was what my parents would order for me when I was little. I thought I was so grown up with my fancy drink, and the excitement I felt when I had multiple cherries in my glass was unparalleled!

The kid in me still loves this as a mocktail option, but I opt for the more grown-up version these days, which is made with lemon juice and tonic water instead of ginger ale. Keep the grenadine for the red color and do not leave out the cherries no matter how grown up you feel – I firmly believe in allowing yourself a touch of whimsy every now and then.

Non-Alcoholic Moscow Mule

Non-Alcoholic Moscow Mule

When it comes to Moscow Mules, it’s all about the copper mug for me – I appreciate a good vessel for drinking. However, I also enjoy the taste of lime and ginger beer, so this is a nice option. Add in some sparkling water and fresh mint leaves and you have a refreshing, fun, and easy to order mocktail.

Virgin Mojito

Virgin Mojito | Ten Easy Mocktails to Order

I had a fear of ordering Mojitos for a long time because Kate Chastain on Below Deck once said only terrorists order them. I took that to heart, and it wasn’t until my husband (a former bartender) told me how much he loves making them that I started to realize maybe this was an exaggeration on her part.

It's a good thing I got over this fear, because virgin mojitos are a nice option for a fun drink to order. They’re also pretty simple, consisting of fresh mint, lime juice, simple syrup, sparkling water, and ice. If you aren’t a fan of the spiciness of ginger beer, this is a nice alternative to the Moscow Mule. I recommend enjoying this mocktail at a rooftop bar, like the Quirk Hotel Rooftop Bar in Charlottesville.

Roy Rogers

If you want something sweet, a Roy Rogers is an easy option at just three ingredients. It’s made with cola, grenadine, and maraschino cherry. If I’m being honest, it’s not to my taste (I am not a huge fan of overly sweet drinks unless I’m on a beach and they are frozen), but it’s a good option for someone who wants to dress up their soda a bit.

Virgin Margarita

Virgin Margarita | Ten Easy Mocktails to Order

I remember reading a debate on Reddit once about whether you could make a virgin margarita. It was an interesting mix of bartenders who were appalled by the notion and bartenders who had Tim Gunn’s “make it work” mentality. Based on what I read, I’m siding with those who believe it can be done.

You’ll want to order your virgin margarita without alcohol and with a mix of lime juice, orange juice, sparkling water, and lemon. Ask for some agave to cut the sour flavors and – if you are anything like me – ask for a salt rim to make it extra special.

Blushing Arnold Palmer

I’ve always liked an Arnold Palmer because I can be indecisive at times. Being able to mix my options together is great for someone like me, so if I can’t decide between lemonade and iced tea, I’m good to go with this one.

Of course, sometimes I want to feel a little more special and, on those occasions, I’ll opt to make my Arnold Palmer (1/2 lemonade, ½ iced tea) blush with a splash of grenadine.

No Tequila Sunrise

No Tequila Sunrise

Sometimes it’s nice to drink something pretty, which is why the No Tequila Sunrise is a fun option. It’s an easy recipe, consisting of fresh orange juice, sparkling water, grenadine, and a fun garnish like orange slices or cherries. What makes this drink special is it looks like a sunrise with the vibrant red and orange colors mixing in the glass.

If orange juice isn’t your thing, try using pineapple juice as a substitute. You can also swap out the sparkling water with ginger ale.

Designated Appletini

Being alcohol free doesn’t mean you have to miss out on martinis. If you love a good shaken drink, this could be the one for you. It combines fresh apple juice, simple syrup, and fresh lemon juice in a shaker. Rim the glass with sugar and add a garnish and enjoy your fancy martini.

Club Soda and Lime/Cranberry Juice/Grapefruit Juice

Club Soda and Lime | Ten Easy Mocktails to Order

Okay, I’ll admit this one could seem a bit too basic, but I’m a big fan of keeping it simple every so often. Club soda with lime is a nice option if you are not in the mood for anything too crazy but want more than water. Plus, if you are not wanting to call attention to the fact that you aren’t drinking alcohol (I feel like this is common for early pregnancy), this drink makes for a good decoy because it looks like a vodka cocktail. Club Soda also mixes well with juices, like cranberry and grapefruit. I like that it cuts the flavor of the juice a bit.

There you have it – my list of mocktails to order at a bar. The next time you find yourself at a happy hour when you aren’t imbibing in alcoholic spirits, reference this list. Don’t forget to also check out my favorite happy hours in Charlottesville.

Until next time, cheers and happy drinking – whether with alcoholic cocktails or non!


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